January 10, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

I had an appointment with my doctor today to get some blood work done to check for more sensitivities/ allergies. Lo and behold, the weather decides to dump a ton of snow on the South. I had it all planned out that I would go out to get some (terrible for you) fast food breakfast with plenty of gluteny-goodness so it would hopefully show up better in the results since I have been eating so little recently. Long story short, after nearly killing myself on the snowy and icy roads, I finally made it back to my house to eat the lukewarm sausage biscuit that had seemed so important before I left. I promptly fell asleep in a gluten coma only to be awakened by my doctor's office calling to say that they needed to reschedule.

Now, I am having to deal with all the lovely symptoms that I have been happily avoiding like stomach cramps, frequent bathroom visits, itching all over, my mouth filling with saliva like I'm going to throw up but nothing coming out (I hate to puke!!!), and so on.  This only reinforces for me that if I don't want to feel horrid, don't eat gluten! I can be just as lazy as any other 20 something when it comes to eating out. When you are hungry and want food right then it is just so easy to hit a drive-thru. I almost think that I need a really REALLY bad reaction to cement in my mind that I don't want to have that happen again. An event that I can always reference to keep myself in line is the time I had a lot of heavy duty pain medication after having my thyroid removed. I was so sick from the drug withdrawals from two days of taking it, that I was literally the sickest I can ever remember being in my life. That was the day that I knew I would never again take extreme medication unless it was absolutely imperative (again: I hate to barf!!!). 

So back to the point, today was not fun, tomorrow and possibly the next day won't be either. I will just have to break out my new rice cooker and figure out how I could possibly have messed up boiling rice two days ago (seriously, it is not like it takes a rocket scientist to read some directions!). On the bright side, I love love love <3 Silk Almond Original milk. I had never tried almond milk before so I thought I would pick up a carton when next at the store. It is fantastic on my Rice Chex with banana. Yummy! I highly recommend both the milk and cereal to anyone, not just us folks with wheat or gluten intolerances.


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